Public sector

UAI GmbH is one of the market leaders in the field of cross-border debt enforcement related to motor vehicles.

Claims management on behalf of state institutions and municipalities

Our main reference is our successful strategic cooperation with Nemzeti Útdíjlátátósi Szolgáltató Zrt for several years, as well as our effective relationship with our other partners. Our decades of experience, our international corporate network, our employees specialised in the resolution of cross-border claims, and our modern technological expertise allow us to professionally handle claims arising from violations of the provisions governing the use of public roads.

Public Services

Surcharges related to road use

The stable basis of our company is the successful relationship we have maintained for years in collaboration with Nemzeti Útdíjpálátási Szolgáltató Zrt. Our comprehensive knowledge and experience come primarily from this cooperation, which has allowed us to develop a model that works well, which can also be effectively applied in the field of supporting other claims related to vehicles.

If you, as a creditor, have similar cross-border claims, and multifaceted collection activities which you would like to entrust to a debt management company using an efficient model, please contact us. A representative in our sales department will contact you as soon as possible to find a suitable and efficient solution for your organisation.

Parking surcharge

Based on many years of experience, we successfully provide a cross-border parking surcharge collection service for various parking companies in the European Union.

Our network of companies, our partners, and our legal advisors, who are well versed in the legislation of different member states, enable us to collect claims resulting from default related to parking cases in several EU countries, but mainly in Germany, Austria, Poland, and Romania. In addition, due to our previous activities, we can also successfully manage claims in other countries.

If you, as a creditor, have similar cross-border debts, the collection of which you would like to entrust to a debt management company using an efficient model, please contact us. A representative in our sales department will contact you as soon as possible to find a suitable and efficient solution for your organisation.

Vehicle related fines

Depending on the legal nature/character of the fines, we can provide cross-border collection services for debts resulted from the impeachment of the road-safety-related traffic legal provisions by foreign drivers.

Besides the collection itself we can provide other related services like translation in the language of the country where the car is registered, domestic country postal services and local bank account which are facilitating the payment of the fines in the currency preferred by the debtor.

We can also take over cases which have already been unsuccessfully processed by other collection companies.

Outsourcing this service to UAI can have a major impact on the success rate in collecting debts from the foreign users of your roads. The UAI approach was successfully tested for Italian Authorities.

If you want to get more information about our services contact us.

Healthcare unpaid services

There are situations in which public healthcare services providers (hospitals, clinics, etc.) are not paid for the medical services delivered for the foreign patients.

UAI can provide professional methods of cross-border debt collection. Our methodology was tested with success for our Hungarian counterpart Szigma Zrt.

If you want to get more information about our services contact us.

Our methodology

Our process of cross border collection consists in two separate stages: amicable collection activity and judicial enforcement.

Amicable collection activity (identification, notification, collection)
  • Build up the case. After we receive the data from the client we are organizing all the information in separate cases.
  • Vehicle owner identification and data processing. We submit the cases to the Vehicle Registration Authority in each competent country in order to obtain the identification details of the vehicle owners through a procedure which fully complies with the stringent provisions of the GDPR. In accordance with our highest-level TÜV certification we store all customer correspondence, letters, emails and phone conversation – duly informing customers previously thereof – in easy-access format under constant observation of data protection standards. Such records are thus always swiftly identifiable and available to our Clients, the authorities or courts.
  • Notify the debtors. Depending on the legal provisions which is regulating the activity of each client and characteristic to each country where the debtor has its residency we are sending one or two payment notifications(with or without registered letter).
  • Interaction with debtors. Our technology enables our highly trained operators to communicate with the debtors by modern channels like (phone, e-mail, SMS reminders, online Chat etc.) in the language preferred by the debtor. We manage all debtor complaints and communications independently. Our operators are able to interact with debtors in most of the European Union official languages.
  • Collection services. We provide for the debtors local bank account which allows them to pay in the local currency. Our Company opens a unique bank account for every Client, where debts relating to Clients will be collected separately and to which Client view-only access is ensured at all times.
  • Reporting. We provide comprehensive reporting in electronic format, which allows for 100% transparency of the money flow. Monthly financial settlement of payments received.
Judicial enforcement

In cases where our extrajudicial activities have not led to results, we provide assistance for claim enforcement in court. Our legal advisory partners with experience in the laws of different Member States enable us to bring claims before the courts in different Member States.

For more information, please contact us. A representative in our sales department will contact you as soon as possible to find a suitable and efficient solution for your organisation.

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